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All in your Head:

Reviewing the History of the Mind through Approaches, Classifications and Objects

20th of April 2023

KU Leuven / Online

Banisteriopsis caapi scanned at St. Lawrence University's Microscopy and Imagery Center, from Microcosms: A Homage to Sacred Plants of the Americas (, used with the permission of Jill Pflugheber and Steven F. White, © 2022.


Organiser: Fernando Gonzalez Rodriguez

Co-Organiser: Prof. Kaat Wils 

Event Media Manager: Els Minne

Cultural History since 1750

KU Leuven

This is a reMEDIAL NATURE event, 

a project funded bEuropean Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under the

Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101026198.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Brigitte Adriaensen (Radboud University)

"Decolonizing Drug Studies:

Psychoactive Plants and the Pluriverse."


Paula Muhr (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

"Hysterical Attack and the Role of Images in its Re-emergence

as a Scientific Object in Current Neurology."


Prof. Steven White (St. Lawrence University)

Prof. Kaat Wils (KU Leuven)

Confirmed Presenters

Prof. Pieter Adriaens (KU Leuven)

"Why we shouldn't medicalize homosexuality."

Prof. Maaheen Ahmed (Ghent University)

"Children’s Minds in Comics:

On Delinquent Styles."

Franco Capozzi (KU Leuven)

"Italian Criminal Anthropology and the Criminal Mind."

Azucena Castro (Stockholm University/ Stanford University)

"Unruly Herbaria:

Vegetal Inscriptions and Plant Agency in Latin American Literature." "Un

Flora Lysen (Maastricht University)

"Brainmedia, 20th Century Histories of Fascination with

Brain Science."

Udodiri Okwandu (Harvard University)

"Defending Anne Bradley: Race and the Medico-Legal Construction of Maternal Mental Illness at the Turn of the 20th Century."


Hannah Zeavin (Indiana University)

"The Cult and the Occult."

This is a free-of-charge fully hybrid event, but both in-person and online registration are required

Georges Lemaître Room and

Heymans Room,

Faculty Club

Groot Begijnhof 14
3000 Leuven, Belgium

Thanks for submitting!


The objective of this one-day seminar is to create an interdisciplinary space for the exchange of ideas about the  mind as a receptacle and catalyser of classificatory practices, approaches and objects commonly silenced, misinterpreted, (mis)framed, misused, misread, or excluded from the dominant global public and scientific discourse, despite their implications at a legal, medical, political, economic and social level, or their presence in popular and visual culture, literature and environmental debates.

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